OneCoin Package & Learn to invest

Free enroll for new learners to have a peek of back office to see transaction globally 24X7 and receive a Free eBook Think and Grow Rich and a newsletter regarding the development of OneCoin.

To enroll at Activation Kit, for 30 Euro, receive eBook of The Rich Man of Babylon, plus a gift of 5 gm Au coin backed by real gold.

To enroll for the education programs in 5 levels of packages, see following table:

Free Register portal:

Paid invest and education products start from Starter and so on, each product contains: Academy Education on digital currency, tokens and Au coins:  1000 – 60,000 token of OneCoin, 50 – Au (that is 1gm gold coin backed by physical gold)  see snap shoots:cost vs coins

cn_invest product options

Register your Free membership or invest in one of the products options, visit: Then choose the top right corner language to continue. If need to invest one of the products, you click on top middle manual says “Products”, then you will see products photo as above shows, then you choose the right one for you to click and continue to complete the process. If you need assistant to walk you through, contact us: 6048008316 or 6025079681cn_where to registerBE ALERT! Above snap shot showed in Feb. the mined coined reached 16.59 M. As of Mar 25 2015, the mined coins more than 77 Million. 4 token to exchange 1 coin now arrive to 4.5 token to exchange 1 coin. The more delay to mine, the more difficult gets. If you have further question, call 604 800 8316. ( If you know Chinese, watch this public debate on bitcoin will help you understand OneCoin)

This real time board see:  – as Apr 16 2015, mined coins reached 108M!


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