Painting_Forever Love Lions 狮子的永爱

The Almighty Elephants 大象勇士  More

Title: Forever Love 36X40   Love under the moon_upload

Story: In one of the paradises of Heaven, a couple of Lion and Lyoness live at beach forest, each night, the moon shinning upon the ocean, they caress each other on the beach to drink water, listen to the ocean wave and bath in the moonlight, star lights & ocean breeze.

故事:在一个欢乐的天堂, 有两个狮子生活在海滩森林, 每个晚上, 月亮照在灿烂的海洋上, 他们相爱抚摸, 在海滩,喝水, 倾听海洋波浪, 沐浴在月光,星光和海风中。

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Paint by a famous native American. More is coming…
Container with protection foaming cover and all necessary parts will be used to pack this valuable collection item. Act fast to be the first buyer.


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